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Modernizing higher education data solutions with AI

Leverage trusted data sources to automate transcript conversions or
analyze graduate data for program review.


Find your alumni.
Follow their success.

Surface comprehensive, trusted workforce records that will empower your campus in decision making, communications and reporting under a united understanding of alumni success.

  • Track performance metrics throughout different programs
  • Inform program review decisions, based on job outcomes
  • Strengthen employer partnerships + graduate outsourcing

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preview of Alumni 360 reports

Revolutionize how you interact with your alumni

view workforce outcomes over alumni career span

analyze top skills of alumni who’ve been hired

report on alumni wages, locations and demographics

strengthen employer partnerships

emphasize degree ROI through outcomes

program review based on skills and job outcomes

marketing and outreach strategy

Trusted by innovative institutions

Make your data work for you

The ReadySet data tool allows prospective students to “try on” your degree and see the real-world ROE of your program—as it pertains to their personalized career goals
Black hand holding an iphone showing video of how Pepperdine allows students to see ROI on their degree


goal-based personalization for students

ReadySet’s individual data models, from your curriculum, allow students to customize their desired career outcome


machine learning prediction

machine learning from 2.5 million+ learner records predicts and quantifies a success score


programs & career pathways

students provide work history and location preferences to increase the accuracy of their career predictions

5,038+ MBA students

have created personalized career predictions
ReadySet Boost Score

Simplify the Skills Economy

Streamline your skills-hiring efforts with a definitive list of acronyms and phrases used within skills-based hiring
