Data Leaders’ Top 4 Security Trends for 2024

Data Leaders’ Top 4 Security Trends for 2024

It’s easy to talk about trends in absolutes. “This new development will affect jobs across every sector,” and “this new platform is going to be everywhere” – these kinds of blanket statements remove nuances that can be incredibly important when discussing trends.

Kaj Pedersen on The Future of AI Security:
"The first problem we have to solve with AI is intelligence.”

Read the full post here.

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It’s easy to talk about trends in absolutes. “This new development will affect jobs across every sector,” and “this new platform is going to be everywhere” – these kinds of blanket statements remove nuances that can be incredibly important when discussing trends.

Kaj Pedersen on The Future of AI Security:
"The first problem we have to solve with AI is intelligence.”

Read the full post here.

Let’s talk about skills verification