What is artificial intelligence? Experts weigh in

What is artificial intelligence? Experts weigh in

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has migrated from techie niche to cultural mainstream. Today, the technology eases many basic tasks but raises profound life-or-death concerns.

By 2030, AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy -- an amount that exceeds the current annual output of China and India combined, accounting and research firm PwC found.

Originally posted on ABC News, read the full article.

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Artificial intelligence, or AI, has migrated from techie niche to cultural mainstream. Today, the technology eases many basic tasks but raises profound life-or-death concerns.

By 2030, AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy -- an amount that exceeds the current annual output of China and India combined, accounting and research firm PwC found.

Originally posted on ABC News, read the full article.

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